Source Starfinder #41: Serpents in the Cradle pg. 43 Mod Level Basic Your drone must have a cybernetic bridge mod for you to choose this mod. The augmentation you install in your drone can be a biotech or necrotech augmentation. If this augmentation has an item level that’s 4 or more levels lower than your ranks in Life Sciences (for biotech augmentations) or Mysticism (for necrotech augmentations), you can create and install the augmentation yourself at no cost; you can change this self-built augmentation once per day with 1 hour of work. If the augmentation isn’t 4 or more levels lower than your appropriate skill ranks, you must acquire and pay for the augmentation (including changing or replacing it) normally. Aspis Consortium mechanics use a bionecrotic bridge to equip their drones with a venom spur or dragon gland.