Source Starfinder #36: Professional Courtesy pg. 14 Item Level 2; Price 2,500 Huge water vehicle (15 ft. wide, 30 ft. long, 10 ft. high) Speed 20 ft., full 200 ft., 22 mph (swim) EAC 14; KAC 15; Cover total cover (enclosed) HP 24 (12); Hardness 3 Attack (Collision) 6d4 B (DC 11) Modifiers –1 Piloting, –3 attack (–6 at full speed) Systems autopilot (Piloting +13); Passengers 6
DescriptionA tier-1 computer controls this submersible vehicle; hacking the computer allows a user to control its direction, though its speed caps at 22 mph (water). A user with access also can open the boat’s transparent aluminum dome, allowing water in (fully flooding the vehicle in 1 round if submerged) and reducing the cover provided from total cover to cover. If the tour boat breaks, it begins to sink. If the vehicle’s dome was closed when the vehicle breaks, the dome shatters and the boat takes on water, becoming fully flooded in 3d4 rounds.