Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

All Rules | Downtime Rules

Charter Development / Running A Charter / Upkeep Phase

Step 4: Adjust Unrest

Source Starfinder #40: Planetfall pg. 44
Your charter begins the first charter turn with an Unrest score of 0. If downtime activities or events have increased or decreased Unrest, make those adjustments now.

If your charter’s Unrest is 10 or higher after making these adjustments, there’s a 50% chance your charter loses one of the hexes you’ve claimed. The PCs choose which hex is lost. See Using the Map on page 43 for more information.

If your charter’s Unrest is 20 or higher after making these adjustments, the charter falls into anarchy. While in anarchy, you skip the Choose Projects step and each of your charter trait scores are treated as 1 lower for the purpose of resolving events.