Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

All Rules | Downtime Rules

Narrative Starship Combat / Crew Actions / Science Officer Actions

Improve Countermeasures

Source Starfinder Enhanced pg. 182
With a few tweaks to various systems, you enhance your ship’s ability to deflect attacks.
Preferred Skills: Computers, Engineering, Physical Science.
Effect: Attempt a skill check against your ship’s DC. If you succeed, your ship’s DC increases to the Hard DC against enemy tactics the next round.
Resolve: By spending 1 Resolve Point, an allied crew member in the engineer role can attempt a Patch Hull action immediately for free at a –2 penalty; this doesn’t count as that engineer’s action for this round, and they can attempt it even if they have taken their action this round, but they can’t spend a Resolve Point on the action if they are successful.