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Titan’s Gate

Source Galaxy Exploration Manual pg. 112
Bulk L
Titan’s Gate is a mass of metallic nanotech ranging from silver to coppery to gold in color. The object, normally no bigger than a datapad and of light bulk, shifts into various shapes or abstract forms and is still only when in use. Agents of the Azlanti Star Empire originally found Titan’s Gate on a far-flung and dead silicate world in the Vast that was completely destroyed due to the artifact’s use. The gate and several starships vanished in the same disaster, which imperial authorities declared an act of sabotage.
Titan’s Gate can be used in several ways. The gate, as its name suggests, is a transport device. While holding Titan’s Gate, you can teleport up to 30 feet to a space you can precisely sense as a move action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. The artifact also has a capacity of 15 charges that can be used to cast the following spells, using their normal casting times and a number of charges equal to the spell’s level: dimension door (4 charges), dimensional anchor (4 charges, Alien Archive 3 53), dismissal (4–5 charges), ethereal jaunt (6 charges), interplanetary teleport (6 charges), plane shift (6 charges), telepathic jaunt (6 charges), and teleport (5 charges). Casting these spells from the artifact doesn’t require Resolve Points. Titan’s Gate regains 2d4 charges every 24 hours and can’t be recharged by any other means.
In addition to these powers, Titan’s Gate can open a magical portal between two points. To create this portal, you must visualize or state the destination (which can’t be in the Drift), place the artifact where the portal is to open, and expend 9 charges. The material comprising Titan’s Gate forms the aperture’s perimeter; the portal appears within this boundary, and it leads to the destination as precisely as you described or visualized it. This portal is normally 10 feet in diameter, but you can alter the diameter by expending more charges: 25 feet (1 charge), 60 feet (2 charges), 150 feet (3 charges), 400 feet (4 charges), 1,000 feet (5 charges), and 2,500 feet (6 charges). The portal remains open while you concentrate and for 1 round thereafter. A two-dimensional opening, the portal reveals its destination only from the front, and creatures and objects can pass through from the front only, not from the back or from the destination. A creature of godlike power can sense the portal opening on the same plane, and the creature can move the destination to another place on that plane or stop the portal from opening. Once the portal closes, the artifact returns to your possession.
The official Azlanti take on their loss of the artifact—claiming it a result of sabotage—is wrong. Using Titan’s Gate for transport, except the move-action teleport, has a potentially catastrophic side effect. During the travel, roll a d20. If the result is 1, the teleportation results in a mishap, and each creature and object transported takes 2d10 damage. Roll a d20 again, repeating mishaps for as long as the result is 1. Once mishaps cease, the transported creatures and objects arrive at a destination as determined by the effect used. Three or more mishaps can result in a random destination for those transported, and the Titan’s Gate disappears, transporting itself to a random place in the galaxy.
Titan’s Gate can be destroyed only if it’s taken into an extradimensional space and used to open a portal. You must then willingly invite and be subjected to three mishaps. Then, the artifact and the extradimensional space collapse into nothing.