Archives of Nethys

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Interplanar Comm Unit

Comm units capable of piercing the barriers between planes are rare. Such marvels of hybrid technology are typically controlled by powerful organizations, and their use is closely monitored. An interplanar comm unit can communicate only with other interplanar comm units that are on a single specific plane, and it can send or receive only two messages per day.

Interplanar Comm Unit, Outer Sphere

Source Drift Crisis pg. 55
Level 20; Price 880,000; Bulk 100


These units are rarer still. These can send and receive transmissions between two of the following: the Material Plane, Abaddon, the Abyss, the Astral Plane, Axis, the Boneyard, Elysium, Heaven, Hell, the Maelstrom, and Nirvana.

Interplanar Comm Unit, Inner Sphere

Source Drift Crisis pg. 55
Level 16; Price 160,000; Bulk 60


These can send and receive transmissions between two of the following: the Material Plane, Elemental Planes, Ethereal Plane, First World, Negative Energy Plane, Positive Energy Plane, and Shadow Plane.