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Spell Amulet

Spell amulets can take many aesthetic forms, but in general, a spell amulet consists of a chunky piece of crystal mounted in a metal and silicon frame. A spell amulet functions in most respects like a spell gem, in that it grants the temporary ability to cast a spell encoded into the amulet without using one of your spell slots. You must be holding the spell amulet throughout the spell’s casting time and must spend at least a standard action using the spell amulet, even if the spell’s casting time is shorter. Only spellcasters are capable of using spell amulets—if you aren’t a spellcaster, you’re unable to make use of the knowledge the amulet unlocks. You don’t need to know the spell within a spell amulet to use it, but the spell must be on your class’s spell list (or have otherwise been added to your spell list) and you must have a high enough key ability score to cast it. If the spell amulet’s item level is higher than your caster level, once you’ve spent the full casting time of the spell, you must succeed at a caster level check with a DC equal to the spell amulet’s item level + 1 or you fail to cast the spell. If you fail to cast a spell from a spell amulet, the spell remains, and you can attempt to use the amulet again.
However, unlike a spell gem, the mystical encoding within a spell amulet isn’t lost when the spell is cast, and it can be refreshed each day. To do so, a spellcaster must expend a spell slot of the same level as the level of the spell encoded within the amulet during their daily preparations, though the spellcaster needn’t know the spell originally encoded in the amulet. For instance, a spellcaster can expend a 2nd-level spell slot to replenish a spell amulet of invisibility even if invisibility isn’t on their list of spells known. A 0-level spell can’t be encoded into a spell amulet.
A spell amulet can’t be used with a spellthrower weapon, but it otherwise counts as a spell gem for the purpose of a psacynoid’s crystal crafter ability.
To craft a spell amulet, you must know the spell you’re encoding into the gem. If a spell requires expensive materials as part of its casting (such as raise dead), they must be provided while crafting the amulet and each time it’s refreshed, and the amulet’s price is increased by the price of the components.
Like spell gems, you can create compound spell amulets holding multiple spells, with a price equal to the total price of all spells stored within it plus an additional 10% of that total. Such spell amulets can be used to cast only one spell at a time.
In addition, you can affix a spell amulet to a weapon or suit or armor. A spell amulet must be converted to a fusion seal to be attached to a weapon using the same process normally used to install or remove a weapon fusion. A spell amulet must be converted to an armor upgrade and installed or removed using a Mysticism check using the same process as installing a weapon fusion. Class features that allow you to conjure or replicate the effects of a weapon seal or armor upgrade cannot choose a spell amulet.

Abjuration: You gain a +1 shield bonus to AC until the end of your next turn; this bonus increases to +2 if the spell cast is 4th level or higher.
Conjuration: You gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to twice the level of the spell cast.
Divination: You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws until the end of your next turn; this bonus increases to +2 if the spell cast is 4th level or higher.
Enchantment: As a reaction immediately after casting the spell, you can attempt a ranged attack against the EAC of a target within 20 feet. If successful, the target is staggered until the end of its next turn; if the spell cast is 4th level or higher, the target is stunned instead.
Evocation: As a reaction immediately after casting the spell, you can attempt a ranged attack against the EAC of a target within 20 feet. If successful, an energy ray deals 1d4 damage per level of the spell cast of an energy type of your choosing.
Illusion: One enemy within 10 feet of you is dazzled for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s level (Will negates, using the spell’s DC).
Necromancy: As a reaction immediately after casting the spell, you can attempt a ranged attack against the EAC of a target within 20 feet. If successful, the target is sickened for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s level.
Transmutation: Your speed increases by 10 feet until the end of your next turn; this bonus increases to 20 feet if the spell cast is 4th level or higher.
The cost and item level of a spell amulet depends on the level of the spell within.

Spell Amulet, 1st

Source Interstellar Species pg. 102
Level 2; Price 450; Bulk L

Spell Amulet, 2nd

Source Interstellar Species pg. 102
Level 5; Price 2,500; Bulk L

Spell Amulet, 3rd

Source Interstellar Species pg. 102
Level 8; Price 8,000; Bulk L

Spell Amulet, 4th

Source Interstellar Species pg. 102
Level 11; Price 21,000; Bulk L

Spell Amulet, 5th

Source Interstellar Species pg. 102
Level 14; Price 58,000; Bulk L

Spell Amulet, 6th

Source Interstellar Species pg. 102
Level 17; Price 200,000; Bulk L