Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

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Manufacturers (Augmentations) | Manufacturers (Weapons) | Other Items | Special Materials

Weapon Manufacturers

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 55
In the Pact Worlds, manufacturing weapons is a lucrative business with guaranteed customers, ranging from law enforcement and private security operations to explorers, mercenaries, and less savory outfits. Although many corporations produce a variety of weapons, some are known for product lines featuring particular modifications.

Many of these modifications can’t be used on weapons that operate without internal mechanisms the manufacturer’s alteration can govern. Such weapons include analog melee weapons, bows, thrown weapons, and grenades.

Off the shelf, no weapon can have more than one manufacturer’s modification. However, plenty of weapon dealers offer customization, allowing you to combine mods that other manufacturers may be known for. You can mix modifications yourself by crafting the item you want. If you combine mods in any way, the final price of the finished item is equal to the normal price plus the cost of the modifications plus another 10%. In any case, a specific manufacturer’s rules supersede these generalities. If a question arises, the GM is the arbiter of whether a modification can be applied to a weapon or if certain modifications can’t be combined.

Brortrav Ordnance Factories

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 56
A Veskarian corporation, Brortrav Ordnance Factories manufactures a wide range of personal weaponry, but it is most famous for its specialty heavy weapons that incorporate menacing decorative elements such as spikes and fanged maws. These motifs are intended to be stylish, and yet unnerving to your foes. When you fire a Brortrav heavy weapon, targets take a –2 penalty to attack rolls for attacks of opportunity made against you as a result of that ranged attack. Brortrav heavy weapons cost 10% more than normal and have a bulk 1 higher than normal.