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Gray Comm Unit

A gray comm unit, a bizarre device made of smoky crystal and wires of gold and silver, functions like a normal comm unit, except it sends only telepathic signals. You must identify the receiver, who must also have a gray comm unit, which notifies the receiver of an incoming message. To send or receive the message, you must have limited telepathy or telepathy, or you must cast mindlink (an exception to that spell’s normal targeting) or telepathy targeting the gray comm unit. Either spell retains its other parameters, such as duration. A mystic using the mindlink class feature can target a gray comm unit with the spell any number of times per day, even if the message comes from or goes to the same creature. Three kinds of gray comm unit units see use.

Gray Comm Unit, System-wide

Source Starfinder #26: Flight of the Sleepers pg. 15
Level 8; Price 9,000
Hands —; Bulk 40


A gray comm unit with a system-wide range typically takes up 10 or so cubic feet, much of it a network of wire and crystals set within a wall unit.

Gray Comm Unit, Planetary

Source Starfinder #26: Flight of the Sleepers pg. 15
Level 3; Price 1,500
Hands —; Bulk 1


This bulky handheld unit can reach another unit on the same planet or on an object orbiting the same planet.

Gray Comm Unit, Unlimited

Source Starfinder #26: Flight of the Sleepers pg. 15
Level 14; Price 72,000
Hands —; Bulk 120


Few have seen these massive gray comm unit units, which take up a small room and highjack Drift beacons to transmit their telepathic signals across interstellar distances.