Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

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Metaphysical Detector

This one-handed device can be held in front of you and activated as a swift action. The MPD indicates the distance to the closest entity with the trait determined by its style below. The MPD has a range of 100 feet and doesn’t indicate a direction, so you must move around to triangulate a specific location. Since it detects only the closest creature, it can be confused by multiple entities.

Metaphysical Detector, Mk I

Source Drift Crisis pg. 53
Level 5; Price 2950
Hands 1; Bulk L


Detects incorporeal beings.

Metaphysical Detector, Mk II

Source Drift Crisis pg. 53
Level 8; Price 8500
Hands 1; Bulk L


Detects incorporeal, invisible beings, or beings with both traits, your choice.