Source Starfinder #20: The Last Refuge pg. 47 PCU 5; Cost (in BP) 2 x size category A biomechanical starship can release emotion-soothing pheromones to help the crew focus in stressful situations. This system grants the captain a +2 insight bonus to demand, encourage, orders, and moving speech crew actions. These pheromones can affect creatures visiting the vessel, as well, granting a +2 insight bonus to Diplomacy checks against such creatures. However, using the pheromones on the uninformed or unconsenting is considered unethical. It takes a successful DC 20 Life Science, Medicine, or Sense Motive check for a creature to discern the mood alteration a pheromone system causes and to determine the source of that alteration. Creatures immune to poison or mind-affecting substances are immune to the pheromones.