Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

Armor | Shields | Weapons
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Manufacturers (Augmentations) | Manufacturers (Weapons) | Other Items | Special Materials

Light Armor | Heavy Armor | Powered Armor
Armor Upgrades

Kalo Encounter Suit

When they first ventured beyond the frigid seas of Kalo- Mahoi, the kalo brought the waters of their moon with them in specially engineered suits. The kalo encounter suit represents the latest evolution of that design—a portable ocean that keeps the kalo at the nearfreezing temperatures they prefer. The suit’s air supply doubles as ballast to keep the wearer neutrally buoyant in water despite the armor’s weight, and the idiomatic design accommodates and protects the kalo’s swimming membranes. While the armor can be adapted to circulate water instead of air, kalos prefer their comfort of their own technology. Similarly, the filters and seals of kalo encounter suits can be adapted to the needs of air breathers, although such suits tend to accumulate excess moisture and develop mold or mildew.

Kalo Encounter Suit, IV

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 70
Level 18; Price 360,000; Category Heavy
EAC Bonus +25; KAC Bonus +26; Max. Dex Bonus +4
Armor Check Penalty -3; Speed Adjustment -10 ft.
Upgrade Slots 6; Bulk 3

Kalo Encounter Suit, I

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 70
Level 4; Price 1,980; Category Heavy
EAC Bonus +7; KAC Bonus +8; Max. Dex Bonus +2
Armor Check Penalty -3; Speed Adjustment -10 ft.
Upgrade Slots 1; Bulk 3

Kalo Encounter Suit, II

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 70
Level 9; Price 12,900; Category Heavy
EAC Bonus +15; KAC Bonus +16; Max. Dex Bonus +2
Armor Check Penalty -3; Speed Adjustment -10 ft.
Upgrade Slots 3; Bulk 3

Kalo Encounter Suit, III

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 70
Level 13; Price 48,500; Category Heavy
EAC Bonus +20; KAC Bonus +21; Max. Dex Bonus +3
Armor Check Penalty -3; Speed Adjustment -10 ft.
Upgrade Slots 4; Bulk 3