Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

Mechs | Terrestrial Vehicles | Starships | Vehicle Modifications

Mech Examples

Auxiliary Systems | Frames | Limbs (Lower) | Limbs (Upper) | Power Cores | Upgrades | Weapons


Source Tech Revolution pg. 106
This glove-like weapon emits piercing shrieks that can disrupt opponents’ basic movement and functionality.
Type melee
Damage low; Damage Type So; Critical knockdown
Slots 1 (upper limb)
  • Thunderclap (1 PP) As a standard action, the mech can use a thundergauntlet as though it were a ranged weapon with the blast weapon special property and a 30-foot range. If the mech has two thundergauntlets, it can use both as part of this attack to deal medium damage rather than low damage; use the average of the two thundergauntlets’ levels (rounded down) to calculate this damage.
Cost 3 x tier