Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

Armor | Shields | Weapons
Artifacts | Augmentations | Creature Companions | Computers | Hybrid Items | Magic Items | Technological Items | Traps
Manufacturers (Augmentations) | Manufacturers (Weapons) | Other Items | Special Materials

Biotech | Cybernetics | Magitech | Necrografts | Personal Upgrades | Species Grafts


Cybernetic augmentations use machines and circuitry integrated with the flesh and bone of the recipient. In most cases, cybernetics must be installed into the body by a trained surgeon—a process that takes 1 hour per level of the augmentation and the price of which is covered in the price of the cybernetic. Cybernetics are more than just machine implants: they are complex meldings of technology and the living host’s own organs. This allows them to be hardened against assaults that affect other technologies in ways robots and other entirely technological creatures can’t. Cybernetics are not subject to any effect or attack that targets technology unless it specifies that it affects cybernetics.

Adrenal Booster

Source Starfinder #11: The Penumbra Protocol pg. 44
Item Level 8; Price 8,900; System Endocrine
This pair of nanocarbon devices replaces part of your adrenal glands, and microscopic threads delicately link them to your endocrine system. When you are dying, the number of Resolve Points you need to stabilize is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1 Resolve Point needed to stabilize). This ability doesn’t stack with any other ability that allows you to spend fewer Resolve Points to stabilize. In addition, once per day, you can spend the required Resolve Points to stabilize and 1 additional Resolve Point to stay in the fight (regaining 1 Hit Point) in the same round.