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Template Grafts | Universal Monster Rules

Cable Serpent13construct (magical, technological)any
Cargo Creep4aberrationany
Carnivorous Crystal11ooze (earth, extraplanar)any (Plane of Earth)
Carrion Dreg4undeadany
Carrion Wheel6aberrationany land
Carrion Wheel, Ichor Wheel14aberrationany land
Caypin6magical beast (aquatic)any swamp
Celebrities, Influencer7monstrous humanoid
Celebrities, Performer4aberration (plantlike)
Celebrities, Streamer2magical beast
Celebrities, Vidgamer3reptilian humanoid (kobold)
Cephalume2aberration (plantlike)any (Luminar)
Cerebric Fungus3plantany
Cerebric Fungus, Cerebric Fungus Voyager9plantany
Charlatans, Con Artist1/2humanoid (vlaka)
Charlatans, False Prophet8monstrous humanoid
Charlatans, Grifter2humanoid (worlanisi)
Charlatans, Impostor6aberration (shapechanger)
Cherubic Squire1outsider (angel, extraplanar, good, lawful)any good-aligned planes (Heaven)
Chirosepia6outsider (extraplanar)any vacuum
Chomurk8magical beastvacuum
Clockwork Guardian6construct (technological)any
Clockwork Predator7construct (technological)any
Clockwork Swarm8construct (swarm)any
Cloud Ray13animalany sky (Bretheda, Liavara)
Cloud Ray, Cloud Skate6animalany sky (Bretheda, Liavara)
Collector Crab6animalany (Weydana-7)
Colour out of Space10ooze (incorporeal)any
Contemplative2monstrous humanoidany urban (Akiton)
Contemplative, Contemplative Mentor18monstrous humanoidany urban (Akiton)
Copaxi, Socialite1humanoid (copaxi)any (Tabrid Minor)
Copaxi, Special Ops4humanoid (copaxi)any (Tabrid Minor)
Corpsefolk, Corpsefolk Marine7undeadany (Eox)
Corpsefolk, Corpsefolk Operative3undeadany (Eox)
Crate Fiend3verminany urban or land (Taekah III)
Creeping Shade8outsider (incorporeal)any (Shadow Plane)
Crest-Eater4magical beastwarm deserts (Kasath)
Crimson Helminth10magical beastglass substrate and surface of Weydana-5
Cultists, Cult Initiate4humanoid (human)
Cultists, Cult Killer6humanoid (lashunta)
Cultists, Cult Leader8humanoid (shirren)
Cynogerm4outsider (chaotic, good)any (Cynosure)