Creature Subtype GraftsA creature subtype graft gives a description of the subtype, followed by specific traits innate to that creature subtype. Source Starfinder #16: The Blind City pg. 61 A pyric revenant can eventually become a pyric wraith. The
example in this entry was once human. Required Creature Type: Undead (incorporeal). Suggested Array: Combatant. Traits: See in darkness, immunity to fire, ash consumption,
illuminated, pyric fire; gains a touch attack; gains a pyric ray
ranged attack; attacks deal fire damage, impart pyric curse, and
have the burn critical hit effect (see Burning Attacks); speaks
Aklo and might retain one or more languages spoken in life. Abilities: Burning Attacks: A pyric wraith’s attacks have the
burn critical hit effect that deals damage according to the
creature’s CR, as follows: 3–5, 1d4; 6–10, 2d4; 11–15, 3d4;
16+ 4d4. Suggested Ability Scores: Dexterity.