Source Starfinder #39: The Gilded Cage pg. 57 This disgusting, unthinking undead is animated by implanted technology powered by magic and a concoction of unstable chemicals. Though a spewer is difficult to destroy, its tech is easily disrupted by bursts of electricity. Required Creature Type: Undead. Suggested Array: Combatant. Alignment: Neutral. Traits: Pustule explosion (see stat block), acid resistance (amount equal to pustule explosion damage); vulnerable to electricity; chemical spitball (see stat block); breath weapon; mindless. Abilities: Chemical Spitball (Ex) As a ranged attack, a spewer can discharge a glob of acid with a range increment of 30 feet. Pustule Explosion (Ex) When a spewer is struck by an attack that deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, all creatures within 5 feet take 10 acid damage. Suggested Ability Scores: Strength, Dexterity.