Boomer RifleThe long, rippled barrel of a boomer rifle focuses the sound of several shells ignited simultaneously into a wave of sonic energy. These weapons arose on Akiton as a wayward Veskarian battalion beset a series of scrappy outposts. When lighter rifles failed to pierce the advanced vesk armor, residents used sonic weapons to overwhelm their foes. Tremor and rumbler boomer rifles use low and damaging sonic frequencies. Concussive and shock wave versions also produce a jolt that can knock a target prone.Sonic WeaponsSonic weapons emit sonar waves at frequencies that are designed to injure or incapacitate enemies. Many of them are termed “low-frequency devices” (LFDs) and “high-frequency devices” (HFDs) based on the frequencies at which they operate and damage foes. Source Starfinder Armory pg. 49 Level 17; Price 230,000 Hands 2; Proficiency Longarms Damage 8d6 So; Range 40 ft.; Critical knockdown Capacity 20 shells; Usage 5 Bulk 1; Special analog Source Starfinder Armory pg. 49 Level 2; Price 520 Hands 2; Proficiency Longarms Damage 1d8 So; Range 40 ft.; Critical deafen Capacity 12 shells; Usage 3 Bulk 1; Special analogSource Starfinder Armory pg. 49 Level 6; Price 4,100 Hands 2; Proficiency Longarms Damage 2d6 So; Range 40 ft.; Critical deafen Capacity 12 shells; Usage 4 Bulk 1; Special analogSource Starfinder Armory pg. 49 Level 11; Price 24,000 Hands 2; Proficiency Longarms Damage 4d6 So; Range 40 ft.; Critical knockdown Capacity 15 shells; Usage 5 Bulk 1; Special analog