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Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

Armor | Shields | Weapons
Artifacts | Augmentations | Creature Companions | Computers | Hybrid Items | Magic Items | Technological Items | Traps
Manufacturers (Augmentations) | Manufacturers (Weapons) | Other Items | Special Materials

| Advanced Melee | Ammunition | Basic Melee | Grenade | Heavy | Longarms | Small Arms | Sniper | Solarian | Special
Critical Hit Effects | Special Properties | Weapon Accessories | Weapon Fusions

Small Arms

Small arms are handheld ranged weapons that can be held and operated with one hand. Various pistols are the most common type, though many types of small arms exist. Small arms require a battery or ammunition of the proper size and type to function.

One-Handed Weapons

Needler Pistol11051d4 P30 ft.injection DC +26 darts1Lanalog, injection
Singing Stinger120020 ft.injection +21 dart11Analog, breakdown, injection, professional (musician), subtle
Caustoject, Liquidator12251d4 A30 ft.Injection DC +220 charges2LInjection
Cestus Pistol, Tactical12501d4 PReach ft.1 round1Conceal, punch gun
Gnome Scout Gun, Tactical13001d4 F or C30 ft.20 charges1LModal (Cryo)
Needler Pistol, Tactical11751d4 P40 ft.Injection DC +28 darts11Analog, injection
Skipshot Pistol, Tactical11051d4 P60 ft.Bleed 220 rounds1LTeleportive
Thasphalt Blaster, Light13501d4 B20 ft.40 thasphalt 11Analog, force
Chorister, Warbler28951d4 So40 ft.Knockdown20 charges1LBoost 1, professional (musician)
Glove Needler, Tactical25601d4 AReach ft.Injection DC +21 round1Conceal, injection, punch gun
Spelldarter, Standard28001d4 P40 ft.6 darts1Lforce, hybrid
Acid Cannon, Micrergate31,5001d4 A40 ft.corrode 1d440 charges2LLiving, Swarm
Graviton Pistol, Linear31,45060 ft.knockdown20 charges42gravitation (10 ft.)
Infernian, Ifrit-Class31,4001d6 F50 ft.Arc 1d44 flares1L
Nightarch Needler, Tactical31,6501d6 P30 ft.injection dc +25 darts1Lanalog, injection
Mood Goo Emitter42,50030 ft.Knockdown 10 mood goo 11Analog, line, unwieldy
Thasteron Blunderbuss41,3502d4 P20 ft.Knockdown 50 thasteron pellets 101Blast, propel (5 feet)
Moon Splinter, Crescent42,2001d4 C & B70 ft.Staggered2011Bright, force, hybrid, living, polarize 1d4
Shield Projector, Sentry42,18040 ft.40 charges42shield 1d4, unwieldy
Sting Pistol, Ant42,1501d8 A & P20 ft.corrode 1d620 charges5Lliving
Neutriad Pistol53,2001d6 B60 ft.pulse 1d620 charges1LForce
Binding Blaster, Orb53,1001d6 B30 ft.Bind202LForce, stun
Data Pistol, Giga53,1501d4 B or P or S60 ft.20 charges2LBoost 1, codework (capacity 20, usage 2), force, modal
Graviton Pistol, Vector53,05060 ft.knockdown40 charges42gravitation (15 ft.)
Needler Pistol, Advanced52,7001d6 P40 ft.Injection DC +28 darts11Analog, injection
Caustoject, Decimator64,0001d8 A30 ft.Injection DC +220 charges2LInjection
Cestus Pistol, Advanced64,1701d10 PReach ft.Bleed 1d41 round1Conceal, punch gun
Chorister, Harmonist64,4001d8 So40 ft.Knockdown20 charges1LBoost 1d4, professional (musician)
Rocket Bracer, Tactical64,0001d8 B & F50 ft.Knockdown 4 mini-rockets 1LIntegrated (1 slot)
Skipshot Pistol, Advanced63,7502d4 P60 ft.Bleed 1d620 rounds1LTeleportive
Thasphalt Blaster, Tactical64,2001d8 B30 ft.40 thasphalt 21Analog, force
Reality Pistol77,0001d10 E30 ft.Confuse4081Mind-affecting, stun, subtle
Acid Cannon, Macrergate77,0002d6 A40 ft.corrode 2d440 charges4LLiving, Swarm
Digitizer Pistol, Silver 76,0002d4 So40 ft.digitize 1d6 40 charges 2LBright, professional (vidgamer), relic
Glove Needler, Advanced75,8001d12 AReach ft.Injection DC +21 round1Conceal, injection, punch gun
Gnome Scout Gun, Advanced76,3002d6 F or C40 ft.40 charges2LModal (Cryo)
Infernian, Salamander-Class76,5002d4 F50 ft.Arc 1d610 flares1L
Tetrad Rings, Tactical76,9001d6 B40 ft.push (5 ft.)20 charges2Lforce
Graviton Pistol, Tensor89,80060 ft.knockdown40 charges42gravitation (20 ft.)
Nightarch Needler, Advanced86,2702d6 P30 ft.injection dc +25 darts1Lanalog, injection
Spelldarter, Hexing810,0002d4 P40 ft.6 darts1Lforce, hybrid
Binding Blaster, Globe913,9002d6 B30 ft.Bind404LForce, stun
Data Pistol, Tera913,7002d4 B or P or S60 ft.20 charges2LBoost 1d4, codework (capacity 20, usage 2), force, modal
Moon Splinter, Gibbous913,0002d6 C & B60 ft.Staggered4021Bright, force, hybrid, living, polarize 1d6
Nanite Pistol, Tinker-class913,3001d4 A30 ft.10 nanites 1LDeconstruct 2d4
Shield Projector, Defender913,80040 ft.80 charges102shield 2d6, unwieldy
Chorister, Chanteuse1018,2002d8 So40 ft.Knockdown40 charges2LBoost 1d6, professional (musician)
Moon Splinter, Full1019,0002d12 E80 ft.Staggered8041Bright, force, hybrid, living, polarize 1d8
Moon Splinter, New1019,0002d12 E80 ft.Staggered10051Bright, force, hybrid, living, polarize 1d8
Needler Pistol, Elite1017,2502d8 P40 ft.Injection DC +28 darts11Analog, injection
Sting Pistol, Yellow Jacket1018,5002d8 A & P40 ft.corrode 2d620 charges4Lliving
Thasphalt Blaster, Advanced1017,3002d8 B40 ft.40 thasphalt 41Analog, force
Cestus Pistol, Elite1124,4002d10 PReach ft.Bleed 1d61 round1Conceal, punch gun
Infernian, Hellhound-Class1125,0004d4 F50 ft.Arc 2d620 flares1L
Nanite Pistol, Scrapper-class1125,2001d6 A30 ft.10 nanites 1LDeconstruct 3d4
Rocket Bracer, Advanced1123,8002d8 B & F50 ft.Knockdown 4 mini-rockets 1LIntegrated (1 slot)
Acid Cannon, Dinergate1236,0003d8 A40 ft.corrode 3d440 charges4LLiving, Swarm
Caustoject, Executioner1232,9004d4 A30 ft.Injection DC +220 charges2LInjection
Gnome Scout Gun, Elite1234,8003d6 F or C40 ft.40 charges2LModal (Cryo)
Skipshot Pistol, Elite1232,0005d4 P60 ft.Bleed 3d620 rounds1LTeleportive
Spelldarter, Bewitching1236,0003d4 P40 ft.6 darts1Lforce, hybrid
Tetrad Rings, Advanced1239,0002d6 B60 ft.push (5 ft.)20 charges2Lforce
Digitizer Pistol, Gold 1346,0005d4 So40 ft.digitize 2d6 80 charges 4LBright, professional (vidgamer), relic
Graviton Pistol, Chiral1349,50060 ft.knockdown40 charges42gravitation (25 ft.)
Nightarch Needler, Elite1344,9804d6 P30 ft.injection dc +25 darts1Lanalog, injection
Chorister, Intoner1476,5004d8 So60 ft.Knockdown80 charges2LBoost 1d8, professional (musician)
Data Pistol, Peta1476,3005d4 B or P or S80 ft.40 charges4LBoost 2d4, codework (capacity 40, usage 4), force, modal
Glove Needler, Elite1469,3003d12 AReach ft.Injection DC +21 round1Conceal, injection, punch gun
Nanite Pistol, Engineer-class1472,0001d8 A30 ft.Wound 10 nanites 1LDeconstruct 4d4
Shield Projector, Guardian1475,20040 ft.80 charges162shield 2d12, unwieldy
Thasphalt Blaster, Elite1469,0003d8 B50 ft.40 thasphalt 41Analog, force
Infernian, Firedrake-Class15109,5006d4 F50 ft.Arc 3d620 flares1L
Needler Pistol, Paragon1594,5006d6 P40 ft.Injection DC +28 darts11Analog, injection
Rocket Bracer, Elite15102,0005d6 B & F60 ft.Knockdown 4 mini-rockets 1LIntegrated (1 slot)
Sting Pistol, Wasp15113,0005d8 A & P60 ft.corrode 3d640 charges4Lliving
Cestus Pistol, Paragon16162,0004d10 PReach ft.Bleed 1d81 round1Conceal, punch gun
Acid Cannon, Ergatoid17256,0004d10 A40 ft.corrode 4d440 charges5LLiving, Swarm
Skipshot Pistol, Paragon17216,50011d4 P60 ft.Bleed 5d620 rounds1LTeleportive
Caustoject, Eradicator18242,3006d8 A30 ft.Injection DC +220 charges2LInjection
Chorister, Diva18380,0006d8 So60 ft.Knockdown80 charges4LBoost 2d6, professional (musician)
Data Pistol, Exa18385,00010d4 B or P or S90 ft.40 charges4LBoost 5d4, codework (capacity 40, usage 4), force, modal
Nightarch Needler, Paragon18369,0008d6 P30 ft.injection dc +25 darts1Lanalog, injection
Spelldarter, Ensorcelling18375,0008d4 P40 ft.6 darts1Lforce, hybrid
Sting Pistol, Hornet18381,0006d8 A & P80 ft.corrode 4d640 charges2Lliving
Digitizer Pistol, Holofoil 19580,00010d4 So40 ft.digitize 4d6 100 charges 5LBright, professional (vidgamer), relic
Infernian, Phoenix-Class19591,5007d6 F50 ft.Arc 4d620 flares1L
Nanite Pistol, Artificer-class19555,0001d10 A30 ft.Wound 10 nanites 1LDeconstruct 5d4
Rocket Bracer, Paragon19525,0008d6 B & F70 ft.Knockdown 4 mini-rockets 1LIntegrated (1 slot)
Shield Projector, Warden19594,00040 ft.100 charges202shield 4d12, unwieldy
Tetrad Rings, Elite19620,0005d6 B60 ft.push (10 ft.)20 charges2Lforce
Glove Needler, Paragon20765,0006d12 AReach ft.Injection DC +21 round1Conceal, injection, punch gun
Needler Pistol, Supreme20725,0008d8 P40 ft.Injection DC +28 darts11Analog, injection
Hail Pistol, SubzeroCryo11201d4 C & P20 ft.bleed 1d420 charges1L
Subduer, FrostCryo27901d3 C40 ft.staggered20 charges1Lnonlethal
Bone Pistol, Grave-ClassCryo39001d4 C40 ft.20 charges4Lantibiological
Frailty Pistol, Rasp-ClassCryo42,4201d4 C60 ft.10 charges1Lnecrotic
Shadow Pistol, CaliginousCryo42,1001d4 C60 ft.blind40 charges4L
Zero Pistol, Frostbite-ClassCryo53,0601d6 C60 ft.staggered20 charges1L
Bone Pistol, Crypt-ClassCryo64,3501d6 C40 ft.20 charges4Lantibiological
Shadow Pistol, SableCryo76,7501d10 C60 ft.blind40 charges4L
Hail Pistol, GelidCryo88,6002d6 C & P20 ft.bleed 1d620 charges1L
Frailty Pistol, Wail-ClassCryo915,4002d4 C60 ft.20 charges2Lnecrotic
Subduer, RimeCryo913,2001d12 C60 ft.staggered20 charges1Lnonlethal
Zero Pistol, Hailstorm-ClassCryo1016,9002d6 C60 ft.staggered40 charges2L
Bone Pistol, Sepulcher-ClassCryo1125,5002d8 C40 ft.20 charges4Lantibiological
Shadow Pistol, TenebrousCryo1235,4002d10 C60 ft.blind40 charges4L
Subduer, SleetCryo1350,5003d6 C60 ft.staggered20 charges1Lnonlethal
Frailty Pistol, Scream-ClassCryo1485,8004d4 C60 ft.20 charges2Lnecrotic
Hail Pistol, UltracoldCryo1463,2003d8 C & P40 ft.bleed 1d820 charges2L
Zero Pistol, Blizzard-ClassCryo1594,5004d6 C60 ft.staggered40 charges2L
Subduer, GlacierCryo16169,0003d10 C60 ft.staggered20 charges1Lnonlethal
Hail Pistol, Absolute-ZeroCryo17218,0005d8 C & P40 ft.bleed 1d1020 charges2L
Bone Pistol, Vault-ClassCryo18591,0005d8 C40 ft.40 charges4Lantibiological
Frailty Pistol, Deathcry-ClassCryo18440,0006d4 C60 ft.40 charges4Lnecrotic
Zero Pistol, Avalanche-ClassCryo19492,9006d6 C60 ft.staggered80 charges4L
Shadow Pistol, UmbralCryo20855,0005d10 C60 ft.blind40 charges4L
Degenerator Pistol, MilitaryDegenerator16161,0004d6 A & So40 ft.Degeneration 3d640 charges4LHybrid
Degenerator Pistol, DominionDegenerator19560,0007d6 A & So40 ft.Degeneration 4d680 charges4LHybrid
Disruption Pistol, MinorDimensional Disruption77,5002d6 So40 ft.staggered20 charges2Lboost 1d6, relic
Disruption Pistol, MajorDimensional Disruption1240,0003d6 So40 ft.staggered40 charges4Lboost 2d6, relic
Decoupler, BruiserDisintegrator14301d4 A20 ft.demoralize20 charges2L
Disintegration SMG, LiquidatorDisintegrator31,4901d4 A40 ft.Wound 20 charges 4LAutomatic
Decoupler, PusherDisintegrator42,3001d6 A30 ft.demoralize40 charges2L
Disintegration Pistol, LiquidatorDisintegrator64,5001d10 A15 ft.20 charges2L
Disintegrator Pistol, LiquidatorDisintegrator64,5001d10 A15 ft.20 charges2L
Decoupler, ScreamerDisintegrator810,8001d10 A30 ft.demoralize40 charges2L
Disintegration SMG, DecimatorDisintegrator913,7003d4 A40 ft.Wound 20 charges 4LAutomatic
Disintegration Pistol, DecimatorDisintegrator1128,0001d20 A20 ft.20 charges2L
Disintegrator Pistol, DecimatorDisintegrator1128,0001d20 A20 ft.20 charges2L
Disintegration SMG, ExecutionerDisintegrator15118,0003d8 A50 ft.Wound 40 charges 5LAutomatic
Disintegration Pistol, ExecutionerDisintegrator16200,0002d20 A25 ft.corrode 1d640 charges4L
Disintegrator Pistol, ExecutionerDisintegrator16200,0002d20 A25 ft.corrode 1d640 charges4L
Disintegration Pistol, EradicatorDisintegrator20745,0003d20 A30 ft.corrode 2d640 charges4L
Disintegration SMG, EradicatorDisintegrator20888,0005d10 A60 ft.Wound 80 charges 8LAutomatic
Disintegrator Pistol, EradicatorDisintegrator20745,0003d20 A30 ft.corrode 2d640 charges4L
Flare Gun, SurvivalFlame1901d3 F30 ft.burn 1d61 flare1Lanalog, bright
Mercy Pistol, IlluminatorFlame12751d6 F20 ft.20 charges2LNonlethal
Flame PistolFlame24701d4 F20 ft.burn 1d420 petrol4LAnalog, line, unwieldy
Wave Modulator, IFlame21,0801d4 F or So30 ft.20 charges4Lmodal (sonic)
Shellgun, BombardFlame31,1501d6 F10 ft.burn 1d41 shell1L
Scorchgun, MicrowaveFlame42,0501d6 F60 ft.20 charges1Lstun
Dragon Pistol, WyrmlingFlame52,6501d6 F30 ft.burn 1d620 petrol1L
Flare Pistol, DazzlerFlame53,3001d6 F40 ft.Burn 1d6 6 flares 1LAnalog, bright
Trilaser, TacticalFlame53,2001d6 F80 ft.burn 1d420 charges1Laeon
Wave Modulator, IIFlame53,4001d6 F or So30 ft.20 charges4Lmodal (sonic)
Mercy Pistol, InfraredFlame64,3002d6 F20 ft.20 charges2LNonlethal
Radshot, ElectromagneticFlame64,0102d4 F40 ft.irradiate40 charges1Lradioactive
Flame Pistol, BlazeFlame75,5002d4 F20 ft.burn 1d420 petrol5Lline, unwieldy
Scorchgun, S-BandFlame89,3501d10 F60 ft.20 charges1Lstun
Wave Modulator, IIIFlame811,0002d4 F or So30 ft.20 charges4Lmodal (sonic)
Flare Pistol, VivifierFlame913,0002d6 F50 ft.Burn 1d6 6 flares 1LAnalog, bright
Shellgun, BlazeFlame911,5002d6 F20 ft.burn 1d62 shells2L
Dragon Pistol, DrakeFlame1017,0003d4 F30 ft.burn 2d420 petrol1L
Trilaser, AdvancedFlame1017,6002d6 F90 ft.burn 2d440 charges2Laeon
Flame Pistol, InfernoFlame1123,0002d8 F30 ft.burn 1d820 petrol5Lline, unwieldy
Mercy Pistol, UltravioletFlame1125,0004d6 F30 ft.20 charges2LNonlethal
Wave Modulator, IVFlame1128,6002d8 F or So30 ft.20 charges4Lmodal (sonic)
Shellgun, FuryFlame1230,5003d6 F20 ft.burn 2d68 shells8L
Flare Pistol, CoruscatorFlame1346,0003d6 F50 ft.Burn 2d6 8 flares 1LAnalog, bright, harrying
Scorchgun, C-BandFlame1349,1002d10 F60 ft.20 charges1Lstun
Radshot, NeutronFlame1469,5005d4 F40 ft.irradiate80 charges2Lradioactive
Wave Modulator, VFlame1481,0002d10 F or So60 ft.20 charges4Lmodal (sonic)
Dragon Pistol, WyvernFlame1595,0004d6 F30 ft.burn 3d620 petrol1L
Trilaser, EliteFlame15105,6004d6 F90 ft.burn 3d440 charges2Laeon
Flare Pistol, ScorcherFlame16180,0005d6 F60 ft.Burn 3d6 12 flares 1LAnalog, bright, harrying
Scorchgun, K-BandFlame16165,0003d10 F60 ft.20 charges1Lstun
Wave Modulator, VIFlame16195,0003d10 F or So60 ft.40 charges4Lmodal (sonic)
Flame Pistol, Solar FlareFlame17220,0003d10 F30 ft.burn 2d620 petrol5Lline, unwieldy
Scorchgun, X-BandFlame18368,0004d10 F60 ft.20 charges1Lstun
Dragon Pistol, TrueFlame19489,0005d8 F40 ft.burn 5d620 petrol1L
Flare Pistol, NovaFlame19485,0007d6 F60 ft.Burn 4d6 12 flares 1LAnalog, bright, harrying
Radshot, Rapid-DecayFlame20767,00011d4 F40 ft.irradiate80 charges4Lradioactive
Trilaser, ParagonFlame20739,2508d6 F100 ft.burn 4d480 charges4Laeon
Wave Modulator, VIIFlame20919,0004d10 F or So80 ft.40 charges4Lmodal (sonic)
Laser Pistol, AzimuthLaser13501d4 F80 ft.burn 1d420 charges1L
Shoulder Laser, AzimuthLaser28701d3 F40 ft.20 charges1Lintegrated (1 slot)
Membrane Holdout PistolLaser31,2501d6 F80 ft.burn 1d620 charges1L
Compliance Ray, FlashLaser31,4001d6 F60 ft.blind20 charges1Lnonlethal
Lens Pistol, CylindricalLaser41,8501d8 F80 ft.burn 1d420 charges2Lunwieldy
Laser Pistol, CoronaLaser64,2702d4 F90 ft.burn 1d420 charges1L
Compliance Ray, FlareLaser76,4002d4 F60 ft.blind20 charges1Lnonlethal
Shoulder Laser, CoronaLaser89,7001d8 F40 ft.burn 1d620 charges1Lintegrated (1 slot)
Laser Pistol, AphelionLaser914,8203d4 F90 ft.burn 1d440 charges2Lboost 1d4
Lens Pistol, LenticularLaser1017,1002d8 F80 ft.burn 1d840 charges4Lunwieldy
Compliance Ray, StrobeLaser1125,1004d4 F60 ft.blind20 charges1Lnonlethal
Laser Pistol, PerihelionLaser1240,2004d4 F90 ft.burn 2d440 charges2L
Shoulder Laser, AphelionLaser1351,5002d8 F40 ft.burn 2d620 charges1Lintegrated (1 slot)
Laser Pistol, ParallaxLaser1482,0005d4 F90 ft.burn 3d480 charges4Lboost 2d4
Compliance Ray, StarburstLaser15171,0006d4 F60 ft.blind20 charges1Lnonlethal
Lens Pistol, ElectronLaser16146,0004d8 F100 ft.burn 2d880 charges5Lunwieldy
Laser Pistol, ZenithLaser17245,2008d4 F100 ft.burn 4d480 charges4L
Shoulder Laser, PerihelionLaser18383,0003d8 F40 ft.burn 3d620 charges1Lintegrated (1 slot)
Compliance Ray, SunspotLaser19545,0009d4 F80 ft.blind20 charges1Lnonlethal
Lens Pistol, SunglassLaser20728,0007d8 F120 ft.burn 3d880 charges8Lunwieldy
Locus Beam, HarmonicLocus53,3001d6 E & So30 ft.Leech202LForce, healing
Locus Beam, InterferenceLocus913,2002d6 E & So30 ft.Leech404LForce, healing
Locus Beam, InfrasonicLocus1352,8003d6 E & So30 ft.Leech808LForce, healing
Locus Beam, UltrasonicLocus17264,0004d8 E & So30 ft.Leech10010LForce, healing
Plasma Claw, ElectocellularPlasma12801d4 E & F20 ft.20 charges2Lliving
Forked Pistol, 6-NotchPlasma27201d3 E & F30 ft.burn 1d420 charges1Lboost 1
Cavitation Pistol, VaporPlasma31,4301d6 E & F20 ft.pulse 1d420 charges5Lunwieldy
Plasma Ring, Single-ValvePlasma42,3501d4 E & F40 ft.wound40 charges4L
Plasma Claw, SynthecitePlasma53,3501d6 E & F30 ft.20 charges4Lliving
Forked Pistol, 8-NotchPlasma64,1001d4 E & F30 ft.burn 1d420 charges1Lboost 1d4
Plasma Pistol, Red StarPlasma77,2001d8 E & F20 ft.burn 1d820 charges4Lline, unwieldy
Cavitation Pistol, InertialPlasma89,7002d6 E & F20 ft.pulse 1d640 charges5Lunwieldy
PersuaderPlasma913,5002d4 E & F30 ft.wound20 charges2Lboost 1d4
Plasma Claw, OrganicPlasma1020,1002d6 E & F30 ft.40 charges8Lliving
Plasma Ring, Dual-ValvePlasma1127,0002d8 E & F50 ft.wound40 charges4L
Plasma Pistol, Yellow StarPlasma1240,3002d8 E & F25 ft.burn 1d840 charges8Lline, unwieldy
Forked Pistol, 9-NotchPlasma1348,1004d4 E & F30 ft.burn 3d440 charges2Lboost 2d4
Cavitation Pistol, HydrodynamicPlasma1475,2002d12 E & F40 ft.pulse 2d640 charges8Lunwieldy
Plasma Pistol, White StarPlasma15107,5003d8 E & F30 ft.burn 2d8100 charges20Lline, unwieldy
Plasma Claw, BiodynamicPlasma16189,0004d6 E & F30 ft.40 charges8Lliving
Plasma Ring, MultichannelPlasma17280,0004d8 E & F60 ft.wound40 charges4L
Cavitation Pistol, ThermodynamicPlasma18584,0003d12 E & F20 ft.pulse 3d680 charges10Lunwieldy
Plasma Pistol, Blue StarPlasma19565,0005d8 E & F40 ft.burn 3d8100 charges20Lline, unwieldy
Forked Pistol, 10-NotchPlasma20801,0009d4 E & F30 ft.burn 4d440 charges4Lboost 5d4
Semi-Auto Pistol, TacticalProjectile12601d6 P30 ft.9 rounds1Lanalog
Ember Pistol, Truth-SequenceProjectile25251d6 P30 ft.burn 1d48 rounds1L
Handcannon, BravadoProjectile27901d8 P20 ft.knockdown1 shell11analog, free hands (1), unwieldy
Injector Pistol, MedicProjectile31,2901d6 P40 ft.injection DC +210 darts1Linjection
Rotating Pistol, TacticalProjectile41,9002d4 P20 ft.4 rounds1Lanalog, conceal
Uppercut SMG, TacticalProjectile42,1001d6 P30 ft.14 rounds 2LAnalog, automatic
Injector Pistol, ZoologistProjectile52,8901d8 P60 ft.injection DC +220 darts1Linjection
Handcannon, SwaggerProjectile64,3501d12 P40 ft.knockdown6 shells11analog, free hands (1), unwieldy
Ring Fire, TacticalProjectile63,9001d8 P20 ft.1 round 1Conceal
Ember Pistol, Salvation-SequenceProjectile75,7002d6 P30 ft.burn 1d410 rounds1L
Semi-Auto Pistol, AdvancedProjectile75,5002d6 P60 ft.12 rounds1Lanalog
Injector Pistol, PoacherProjectile89,0502d6 P60 ft.injection DC +220 darts1Linjection
Uppercut SMG, AdvancedProjectile89,8001d12 P30 ft.16 rounds 2LAnalog, automatic
Handcannon, BombastProjectile913,2002d10 P40 ft.knockdown8 shells11analog, free hands (1), unwieldy
Ring Fire, AdvancedProjectile1017,3002d8 P20 ft.1 round 1Conceal
Semi-Auto Pistol, EliteProjectile1018,2003d6 P60 ft.12 rounds1Lanalog
Ember Pistol, Valor-SequenceProjectile1123,4003d6 P40 ft.burn 2d412 rounds1L
Rotating Pistol, AdvancedProjectile1123,4004d4 P30 ft.8 rounds1Lanalog, conceal
Handcannon, BraggadocioProjectile1235,1003d8 P40 ft.knockdown9 shells11analog, free hands (1), unwieldy
Semi-Auto Pistol, ParagonProjectile1345,2004d6 P60 ft.16 rounds1Lanalog
Uppercut SMG, EliteProjectile1350,6002d12 P40 ft.18 rounds 2LAnalog, automatic
Ember Pistol, Glory-SequenceProjectile1465,8004d6 P40 ft.burn 2d616 rounds1L
Injector Pistol, SubjugationProjectile1468,5005d6 P80 ft.injection DC +220 darts1Linjection
Ring Fire, EliteProjectile1468,5004d8 P20 ft.1 round 1Conceal
Gyrojet Pistol, TacticalProjectile1591,5003d12 B80 ft.knockdown8 mini-rockets1Lanalog
Rotating Pistol, EliteProjectile16153,0008d4 P40 ft.9 rounds1Lanalog, conceal
Gyrojet Pistol, AdvancedProjectile17212,7004d12 B80 ft.knockdown8 mini-rockets1Lanalog
Handcannon, GasconadeProjectile18364,0008d8 P40 ft.knockdown12 shells11analog, free hands (1), unwieldy
Ring Fire, ParagonProjectile18357,0006d8 P20 ft.1 round 1Conceal
Uppercut SMG, ParagonProjectile18380,0004d12 P40 ft.20 rounds 2LAnalog, automatic
Injector Pistol, EliteProjectile19532,0009d6 P80 ft.injection DC +220 darts1Linjection
Gyrojet Pistol, EliteProjectile20715,8005d12 B80 ft.knockdown8 mini-rockets1Lanalog
Pulsecaster PistolShock12501d4 E30 ft.20 charges1Lnonlethal
Arc Pistol, StaticShock27501d6 E50 ft.arc 220 charges2Lstun
Polarity Wire, StaticShock25801d3 E & P30 ft.Electrocute AR 20 charges 1LInjection, integrated (1 slot)
Handcoil, ExplorerShock31,2001d6 E40 ft.arc 1d620 charges2L
Anchor Pistol, VoltaicShock42,1001d6 E40 ft.bind40 charges2Lnonlethal
Lightning Pistol, SheetShock53,0001d6 E20 ft.40 charges4Lline, stun, unwieldy
Ionizer, CupricShock64,6502d4 E30 ft.arc 1d620 charges1Lintegrated (2 slots), unwieldy
Handcoil, FighterShock75,6001d10 E40 ft.arc 1d1020 charges2L
Polarity Wire, AuroraShock75,7502d4 E & P30 ft.Electrocute AR 20 charges 1LInjection, integrated (1 slot)
Lightning Pistol, RibbonShock89,7001d8 E30 ft.40 charges5Lline, stun, unwieldy
Anchor Pistol, EmergentShock913,2002d6 E40 ft.bind40 charges4Lnonlethal
Ionizer, FericShock1020,1004d4 E30 ft.arc 2d420 charges1Lintegrated (2 slots), unwieldy
Handcoil, PilotShock1124,0002d8 E60 ft.arc 2d840 charges4L
Lightning Pistol, RocketShock1237,0002d8 E30 ft.40 charges8Lline, stun, unwieldy
Polarity Wire, StormShock1232,8004d4 E & P40 ft.Electrocute AR 20 charges 1LInjection, integrated (1 slot)
Arc Pistol, AuroraShock1345,7003d6 E50 ft.arc 2d640 charges2Lstun
Ionizer, ChromicShock1480,0005d4 E30 ft.arc 3d420 charges1Lintegrated (2 slots), unwieldy
Anchor Pistol, InductiveShock15108,0004d6 E40 ft.bind80 charges4Lnonlethal
Handcoil, CapitalShock16150,0003d8 E80 ft.arc 3d840 charges4L
Lightning Pistol, Smooth-ChannelShock17260,0003d10 E40 ft.40 charges10Lline, stun, unwieldy
Polarity Wire, TempestShock17232,0008d4 E & P40 ft.Electrocute AR 20 charges 1LInjection, integrated (1 slot)
Arc Pistol, StormShock18365,5003d12 E50 ft.arc 4d6100 charges10Lstun
Ionizer, StannicShock19611,0005d8 E30 ft.arc 5d820 charges1Lintegrated (2 slots), unwieldy
Anchor Pistol, FluxShock20814,0008d6 E60 ft.bind80 charges5Lnonlethal
Scrambler Pistol, TermiteShock 28001d4 E60 ft.Confuse20 charges 2LScramble
Scrambler Pistol, CockroachShock 75,2002d4 E60 ft.Confuse20 charges 2LScramble
Scrambler Pistol, DragonflyShock 1019,4003d4 E60 ft.Confuse20 charges 2LScramble
Scrambler Pistol, LocustShock 1344,7004d4 E60 ft.Confuse20 charges2LScramble
Dirge Pistol, HarmonicSonic14401d3 So20 ft.sicken20 charges1Lantibiological
Perforator Pistol, DiffractionSonic25001d4 So20 ft.bleed 1d420 charges2Lpenetrating
Sonic Suppressor, MurmurSonic31,4301d4 So40 ft.stifle20 charges2L
Sonic Pistol, ThunderstrikeSonic42,3001d8 So40 ft.deafen20 charges2L
Shrieking LarvaSonic52,8001d8 So30 ft.deafen20 charges4Lliving, thought, unwieldy
Dirge Pistol, ResonantSonic64,9501d8 So40 ft.sicken20 charges1Lantibiological
Resonant Pistol, LatticeSonic76,1001d6 So40 ft.deafen40 charges2Lboost 1d6
Sonic Suppressor, WhisperSonic89,7002d4 So40 ft.stifle40 charges2L
Perforator Pistol, RefractionSonic913,0002d6 So20 ft.bleed 1d640 charges4Lpenetrating
Dirge Pistol, AnharmonicSonic1020,5003d4 So40 ft.sicken20 charges1Lantibiological
Sonic Pistol, LFDSonic1126,2002d8 So40 ft.deafen40 charges4Lboost 1d6
Sonic Suppressor, HushSonic1236,5002d8 So40 ft.stifle40 charges2L
Perforator Pistol, LinearSonic1346,0002d10 So20 ft.bleed 2d640 charges5Lpenetrating
Sonic Pistol, HFDSonic1471,3003d8 So40 ft.deafen60 charges6L
Dirge Pistol, ParametricSonic15133,0006d4 So60 ft.sicken20 charges1Lantibiological
Sonic Pistol, BansheeSonic16191,0004d8 So40 ft.deafen80 charges8Lboost 1d10
Sonic Suppressor, ReposeSonic17257,0004d8 So40 ft.stifle40 charges2L
Resonant Pistol, MatrixSonic18358,0005d6 So40 ft.deafen40 charges2Lboost 2d6
Dirge Pistol, RadialSonic19660,00010d4 So60 ft.sicken20 charges1Lantibiological
Perforator Pistol, PhasedSonic20732,0005d10 So40 ft.bleed40 charges8Lpenetrating