Countdown BladeUntil activated, a countdown blade is little more than a metallic hilt with a small retractable key used to wind it. In battle, the hilt projects a blade of force. Though most countdown blades default to a standard sword shape, the exact nature of the blade can be customized to suit the user’s needs, from axes to knives to doshkos. With the blade retracted, these weapons are extremely compact and concealable, making the countdown blade a favorite of many agents on covert missions. Source Starfinder #50: Clockwork Demons pg. 53 Level 6; Price 4,200 Hands 1; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 1d4 S|p; Critical — Bulk L; Special Boost 1, codework (capacity 10, usage 2), conceal, force, operative, modal Source Starfinder #50: Clockwork Demons pg. 53 Level 10; Price 18,500 Hands 1; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 2d4 S|p; Critical — Bulk L; Special Boost 1d4, codework (capacity 10, usage 2), conceal, force, operative, modalSource Starfinder #50: Clockwork Demons pg. 53 Level 15; Price 113,000 Hands 1; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 5d4 S|p; Critical — Bulk L; Special Boost 2d4, codework (capacity 20, usage 4), conceal, force, operative, modal