Devastation BladeThe overlarge devastation blade is a two-edged sword that creates terrifying wounds. Devastation blades are rarely subtle weapons, due to both their size and their often elaborate spiked designs. Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 172 Level 7; Price 5,500 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 2d8 S; Critical — Bulk 1; Special analog Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 172 Level 13; Price 43,900 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 5d8 S; Critical — Bulk 1; Special analogSource Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 173 Level 18; Price 410,200 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 12d8 S; Critical — Bulk 1; Special analog