ElectroflailAn electroflail is a 2-foot-long haft and a floating spiked or ridged ball; as there is no visible tether between the two components, an electroflail appears to be two separate weapons. An electromagnetic force causes the ball to stay within a predetermined range of the haft’s end—usually around 1 foot away—while also conducting a substantial electric charge to the ball that is discharged upon a strike. The magnetic field can also interfere with other weapons, allowing a proficient user to use an electroflail to knock opponents’ weapons out of their grasp. These weapons see frequent use among various Hellknight orders, which often custom order designs featuring grinning devils, complete with spiked wings. Electroflails are available in tactical, advanced, elite, and paragon models.Shock WeaponsShock weapons emit powerful electrical blasts that can damage and potentially stun enemies. Ranged versions use a low-power laser to direct these weapons’ electrical arcs. Electrical blasts can also leap to adjacent targets, making the weapons well suited for stunning groups of enemies. In general, tempest shock weapons are the most powerful, followed in descending order by storm, aurora, and static shock weapons. Source Starfinder Armory pg. 45 Level 9; Price 12,800 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 3d6 E; Critical arc 2d6 Bulk 1; Special disarm, powered (capacity 20; usage 1) Source Starfinder Armory pg. 45 Level 5; Price 2,910 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 1d6 E; Critical arc 1d6 Bulk 1; Special disarm, powered (capacity 20; usage 1)Source Starfinder Armory pg. 45 Level 14; Price 69,900 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 7d6 E; Critical arc 3d6 Bulk 1; Special disarm, powered (capacity 20; usage 1)Source Starfinder Armory pg. 45 Level 18; Price 360,000 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 11d6 E; Critical arc 4d6 Bulk 1; Special disarm, powered (capacity 20; usage 1)