LumenstaffThe tip of this staff is a hollow chamber packed with bioluminescent algae. Each time the lumenstaff strikes a solid object or creature, the force of the impact causes the contained algae to release a bright light, illuminating the area. Source Galaxy Exploration Manual pg. 55 Level 2; Price 800 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 1d6 B; Critical Blind Bulk 1; Special Analog, block, bright, underwater Source Galaxy Exploration Manual pg. 55 Level 7; Price 6,850 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 2d6 B; Critical Blind Bulk 1; Special Analog, block, bright, underwater Source Galaxy Exploration Manual pg. 55 Level 17; Price 240,000 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 10d6 B; Critical Blind Bulk 1; Special Analog, block, bright, underwater