MindspikeThe impact of this insectile-looking spike can cause pain or otherwise addle the target’s nervous system. Source Starfinder #19: Fate of the Fifth pg. 53 Level 14; Price 77,800 Hands 1; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 7d8 P; Critical staggered Bulk L; Special Analog Source Starfinder #19: Fate of the Fifth pg. 53 Level 6; Price 4,400 Hands 1; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 1d8 P; Critical staggered Bulk L; Special AnalogSource Starfinder #19: Fate of the Fifth pg. 53 Level 10; Price 18,450 Hands 1; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 3d8 P; Critical staggered Bulk L; Special AnalogSource Starfinder #19: Fate of the Fifth pg. 53 Level 18; Price 382,100 Hands 1; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 11d8 P; Critical staggered Bulk L; Special Analog