Mindspike GrenadeWaves of neuro-disruptive energy burst from this grenade and scramble brainwaves with violent force. Creatures in the area can attempt a Will save against this grenade rather than a Reflex save. If successful, a creature takes half damage. If the creature fails, it takes full damage and is dazed for 1 round; if the creature’s CR or level is higher than the grenade’s item level, it instead takes full damage and is staggered for 1 round. Treat the CR or level of any creature with limited telepathy or telepathy as 3 lower for the purpose of this effect. This grenade has the mind-affecting special weapon property (Armory 29). Source Galaxy Exploration Manual pg. 43 Level 16; Price 21,000 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage —; Range 20 ft.; Critical — Capacity Drawn Bulk L; Special Explode (8d4, daze, 20 ft.) Source Galaxy Exploration Manual pg. 43 Level 2; Price 150 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage —; Range 20 ft.; Critical — Capacity Drawn Bulk L; Special Explode (1d4, daze, 10 ft.) Source Galaxy Exploration Manual pg. 43 Level 4; Price 305 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage —; Range 20 ft.; Critical — Capacity Drawn Bulk L; Special Explode (2d4, daze, 10 ft.) Source Galaxy Exploration Manual pg. 43 Level 8; Price 1,275 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage —; Range 20 ft.; Critical — Capacity Drawn Bulk L; Special Explode (3d4, daze, 15 ft.) Source Galaxy Exploration Manual pg. 43 Level 12; Price 5,000 Hands 1; Proficiency Grenade Damage —; Range 20 ft.; Critical — Capacity Drawn Bulk L; Special Explode (6d4, daze, 15 ft.)