XenolashA xenolash is a genetically engineered vine that weeps caustic, quick-hardening sap from the razor-sharp thorns along its length. Because the sap (rather than the weapon itself) entangles creatures, targets are not anchored to the xenolash. Grown in extraordinary conditions by Xenowardens and primarily sold only to those they trust, the plants derive their sustenance and amber-like sap from light, ambient energy, and atmospheric chemicals. Source Pact Worlds pg. 194 Level 10; Price 17,000 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 5d4 A & S; Critical corrode 2d4 Bulk 1; Special analog, disarm, reach, trip Source Pact Worlds pg. 194 Level 4; Price 2,430 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 2d4 A & S; Critical corrode 1d4 Bulk 1; Special analog, disarm, reach, tripSource Pact Worlds pg. 194 Level 14; Price 70,000 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 9d4 A & S; Critical corrode 4d4 Bulk 1; Special analog, disarm, reach, tripSource Pact Worlds pg. 194 Level 18; Price 409,000 Hands 2; Proficiency Advanced Melee Damage 9d8 A & S; Critical corrode 6d4 Bulk 1; Special analog, disarm, reach, trip