ProteanSource Alien Archive 4 pg. 86 As embodiments of chaos, most proteans remain in the comforting unpredictability of the Maelstrom, where they happily create and destroy at their ever-changing whims. Durgastrs in particular are explorers—often inadvertently. They delight in examining alternate realities, particularly planes that present imperfect reflections of each other, such as how the Shadow Plane and Ethereal Plane mirror aspects of the Material Plane. Where they find inspiring inconsistencies, durgastrs endeavor to overlay and fuse the strange realities into a multifaceted whole, often disrupting living creatures, cityscapes, and even whole ecosystems in the process.Aliens in the "Protean" FamilySource Alien Archive 4 pg. 86Durgastr CR 16 XP 76,800 CN Medium outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, protean, Init +7; Senses blindsense (vibration) 60 ft.; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +28 Aura dimensional shadow (100 ft.)DefenseHP 255 EAC 29; KAC 30 Fort +14; Ref +16; Will +19 Defensive Abilities amorphous, unfettered; Immunities acid, paralysis, polymorph; Resistances electricity 10, sonic 10
OffenseSpeed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (Su, perfect), swim 40 ft. Melee bite +26 (6d8+20 P; critical warpwave) or claw +26 (6d8+20 S; critical warpwave) or tail +26 (6d8+20 B plus grab; critical warpwave) Offensive Abilities warpwave Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th melee +26, ranged +26) 1/day—disintegrate (DC 26), shadow walk, summon creature VI (proteans only), terraform 3/day—greater dispel magic, greater song of the cosmos (DC 24), mislead (DC 25) At will—confusion (DC 24), entropic grasp (DC 23), probability predictionStatisticsSTR +4; DEX +7; CON +5; INT +5; WIS +5; CHA +10 Skills Acrobatics +28 (+36 to fly), Athletics +28, Bluff +33, Mysticism +33, Sense Motive +28 Languages Abyssal, Protean; truespeech; telepathy 100 ft. Other Abilities call proteans, change shape (any Small, Medium, or Large creature), no breath, spaceflight (Mysticism)EcologyEnvironment any (Maelstrom) Organization solitary or chorus (2–4)Special AbilitiesCall Proteans (Su) By increasing the casting time of its summon creature VI spell-like ability to 10 minutes, a durgastr can change the spell’s duration to instantaneous and can summon a number of proteans whose combined CR is no greater than the durgastr’s CR – 6 (CR 10 for most durgastrs). These summoned proteans are typically helpful to the durgastr but are not compelled to follow its orders. Dimensional Shadow (Su) Creatures and objects cannot use extradimensional travel to enter or leave this aura unless they have the protean subtype. The durgastr can suppress this aura as a move action, and it remains suppressed until the durgastr takes another move action to reactivate it. Unfettered (Su) A durgastr ignores difficult terrain, and it cannot be bull rushed, entangled, grappled, pinned, repositioned, or tripped. If a durgastr begins its turn with reduced speed or is unable to move while still able to take actions, the condition or effect causing this altered movement ends for the durgastr. If a durgastr starts its turn conscious but unable to take actions, the condition or effect causing that hindrance ends for the durgastr, and the durgastr becomes staggered. Whenever the durgastr is staggered, that condition ends in 1 round. In any case, an extant area effect hindering the durgastr continues for its duration, but the durgastr becomes immune to that instance of the effect. Warpwave (Su) A creature struck by a critical hit from a durgastr or two of the durgastr’s melee attacks on the durgastr’s turn must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude saving throw or be subjected to a supernatural warpwave effect that mimics the warpwave spell (see below; CL 16th).DescriptionAs embodiments of chaos, most proteans remain in the comforting unpredictability of the Maelstrom, where they happily create and destroy at their ever-changing whims. Durgastrs in particular are explorers—often inadvertently. They delight in examining alternate realities, particularly planes that present imperfect reflections of each other, such as how the Shadow Plane and Ethereal Plane mirror aspects of the Material Plane. Where they find inspiring inconsistencies, durgastrs endeavor to overlay and fuse the strange realities into a multifaceted whole, often disrupting living creatures, cityscapes, and even whole ecosystems in the process.Extra ContentThe following extra content was found for this creature: - Protean (Summoning) Graft Template - Protean (Creature Subtype) Graft Template