Acid CannonDespite its name, derived from Swarm conventions and suggesting a heavier armament, the lightweight acid cannon is a derivation of the Swarm corrovox’s arm-mounted weapon modified to be a stand-alone pistol-sized firearm. The weapon uses small amounts of power to produce caustic fluid. The trigger administers a jolt of electricity to the device, causing a reflexive constriction that forces blobs of this acid out of the weapon’s throatlike barrel. Source Starfinder #19: Fate of the Fifth pg. 53 Level 7; Price 7,000 Hands 1; Proficiency Small Arms Damage 2d6 A; Range 40 ft.; Critical corrode 2d4 Capacity 40 charges; Usage 4 Bulk L; Special Living, Swarm Source Starfinder #19: Fate of the Fifth pg. 53 Level 3; Price 1,500 Hands 1; Proficiency Small Arms Damage 1d4 A; Range 40 ft.; Critical corrode 1d4 Capacity 40 charges; Usage 2 Bulk L; Special Living, SwarmSource Starfinder #19: Fate of the Fifth pg. 53 Level 12; Price 36,000 Hands 1; Proficiency Small Arms Damage 3d8 A; Range 40 ft.; Critical corrode 3d4 Capacity 40 charges; Usage 4 Bulk L; Special Living, SwarmSource Starfinder #19: Fate of the Fifth pg. 53 Level 17; Price 256,000 Hands 1; Proficiency Small Arms Damage 4d10 A; Range 40 ft.; Critical corrode 4d4 Capacity 40 charges; Usage 5 Bulk L; Special Living, Swarm