Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

Armor | Shields | Weapons
Artifacts | Augmentations | Creature Companions | Computers | Hybrid Items | Magic Items | Technological Items | Traps
Manufacturers (Augmentations) | Manufacturers (Weapons) | Other Items | Special Materials

| Advanced Melee | Ammunition | Basic Melee | Grenade | Heavy | Longarms | Small Arms | Sniper | Solarian | Special
Critical Hit Effects | Special Properties | Weapon Accessories | Weapon Fusions


Outsized hammers, mauls are valued for their intimidation factor and effectiveness in battle. A tactical maul is as much an instrument for hammering posts into the ground as a weapon. Advanced mauls include dense, heavy cores to deliver a more forceful blow. Elite mauls and paragon mauls are designed and manufactured more for war than labor, although the weapons can be used as tools.

Maul, Advanced

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 53
Level 10; Price 17,200
Hands 2; Proficiency Basic Melee
Damage 3d8 B; Critical knockdown
Bulk 1; Special analog, unwieldy

Maul, Tactical

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 53
Level 5; Price 2,750
Hands 2; Proficiency Basic Melee
Damage 1d8 B; Critical knockdown
Bulk 1; Special analog, unwieldy

Maul, Elite

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 53
Level 15; Price 95,000
Hands 2; Proficiency Basic Melee
Damage 7d8 B; Critical knockdown
Bulk 1; Special analog, unwieldy

Maul, Paragon

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 53
Level 20; Price 724,000
Hands 2; Proficiency Basic Melee
Damage 15d8 B; Critical knockdown
Bulk 1; Special analog, unwieldy